Inspire your senses : autumn contrasts

autumn contrasts


My senses are simply inspired by:

sight : the entire range of autumn leaf colours never ceases to amaze me. And I simply can’t stop taking photos of them. Autumn has arrived quickly, bringing changing weather, shorter daylight hours and all those joyful reflections with it.

sound : loving this catchy tune by Train, thanks to my soulbrother T. for sharing it forward. Go on, take a quick listen and I’m sure you will be humming along too. I bet you also remember their song, Drops of Jupiter …but tell me, did the wind sweep you off your feet?

taste :  pumpkins, pumpkins and more pumpkins everywhere. I had to try the infamous Starbucks pumpkin spice latte with my soulsisters C. and A. after yoga. It was definitely different, but it isn’t really my cup of tea 😉 so I will be sticking to my chai latte for now.

smell : my walks are full of the scents of recently harvested mielie (corn) fields, newly turned soil and occasionally the smell of fresh manure that is added before the next rain.

touch : time to get out the warmer gear now. I love cuddling up with my pashmina, hiking in my merino top from Icebreaker (I’m hooked as it truly doesn’t smell!) or wearing my cashmere ‘love peace’ jumper, a divine gift from my soulsister C. Soft and cosy on my skin!

energy : these timely thoughts on patient compassion and compassionate patience from Sarah resonate so strongly as we step into October.

last words : watching the leaves falling as I walk is a meditation in itself.

Every leaf speaks bliss to me, fluttering from the autumn tree.  Emily Brontë


What inspires you at the moment? Share it here.

simply sharing, Delicia x

4 thoughts on “Inspire your senses : autumn contrasts

  1. Thank you Delicia, what a lovely full set of sense awakenings! I am also loving autumn and enjoyed your tune by Train… catchy indeed! The music and songs you recall are always so beautiful and energy charged! Of course I remember ‘Drops of Jupiter’, but how could ‘Hey, Soul Sister’ not be mentioned here as well? Dancing and singing it out loud in lab lifted me and my team high enough to keep with the fast paced screening days.

    I am inspired by the taste of walnuts and hazelnuts I found on my walking meditations, of a risotto ai porcini after my last icy swim in the lake, and by visualising the chestnut cake I am going to bake 😉 But most prominently, I am feeling the energy of Universe about which Sarah writes so beautifully. As anticipated, 2014 is asking us to do quite a bit of work and this moment just powerfully reminds me of my commitment to Oneness, of taking people along because we are not alone but all in this together. On these notes, I am leaving you with two quotes that are with me

    ‘Be light, not a judge. Be a model, not a critic. Be part of the solution, not part of the problem’ Stephen R. Covey

    ‘What we obtain too easily, we esteem too lightly. It is dearness only which gives everything its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price on its goods’ Thomas Paine

    • I love ‘Hey, Soul Sister‘ too and yes it should be mentioned here too. It is the perfect song to lift one up as it did for you in the lab. Music really is a great tool to help us, whether to lift us up or be with us where we are at, music accompanies us gently and soulfully.

      I also had my first chestnuts on Sunday and now it really feels like winter is on the doorstep. A chestnut cake sounds yummy too. Happy baking!

      Thank you Annalisa for sharing these quotes with us. So true and great ones to sit with!


  2. Hi Delicia, many things happening in the Fall, nature is getting ready for the winter, so we need do the same, getting warm clothes, drinks, and get cozy waiting for the snow. I’m trying to be outside as much as possible to enjoy all the colours around and the warm sun on my skin, at least my on my face. Drinking lots of tea to keep warm inside, and eating a lot, this means getting back all the weight lost during the summer. Have a great weekend!

    • Thank you for your reminder to be outside as much as possible. I am also following this as I know the snow is coming soon, and maybe even this week here. The sun has been amazing over the last few days, and like you, I love feeling the warmth on my skin. Keep warm Elizabeth, while we wait for the magic of the new season.

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