Inspire your senses : fall leaves

fall leaves

Greens, yellows, oranges, golds, reds and browns all around inspire my senses.

I’ve noticed that my tree is almost bare, her coat lightens and shortly she will be hibernating for winter. She is preparing to draw inwards. And reminds me to prepare too; and that letting go is the natural cycle of things. Let go to allow space for the new, for hope, for possibility.

sight : the bright colours of all the fall leaves, the gentler light each day and the longer hours of darkness. Thank goddess for candlelight!

sound : listening to James reminding us to ‘sit down next to me… in love, in fear, in hate, in tears…’ while I do my chores. Listening to music and podcasts makes my cleaning meditation so much more fun! Thank you soulsister N. for ‘singing’ it to me.

taste : as it gets cooler, I look forward to drinking decadent hot chocolates and tasty herbal teas that warm me, body and soul.

smell : lavender drops to help me sleep, arnica for my stiff neck and shoulders plus water to release. Self-healing and support from my soul circle every day. It’s been a rough two weeks and it’s finally shifting. Only ever grateful!

touch : wearing my sushi on my feet since I discovered these dilly things. Expect a ton of happy feet photos… don’t you need a pair?

energy : “All emotion is in motion. It never stays the same and there is much we can do to keep it flowing like a clear mountain stream, not crashing through our lives like a mudslide swamping all in its path.” Wise words from Sarah Varcas to accompany the New Moon in Scorpio and Jupiter shifting into Sagittarius.

last words : I am so overwhelmed and humbled by the lovely feedback and kind words I have received for the personal meditations I’ve created. This is what makes it all worthwhile. Thank you, kind souls. You know who you are! Each word means the world to me. If this resonates with you and you’d like your own, please get in touch. I would be honoured to create one for you.

What inspires you in the now?

simply sharing, Delicia x

4 thoughts on “Inspire your senses : fall leaves

  1. You! You always inspire me. It’s almost 11 pm and I can’t sleep. I don’t have tranquility recently, I can’t concentrate or meditate, the silence hasn’t been my friend recently. Then, I remember you and decided to visit your space. Breathe in, breathe out. Thanks my dear for these beautiful reminders. Love and hugs your way 🙂

    • Thank you, dear Elizabeth, I hope things have eased a little for you and you are finding space to breathe, rest, meditate and sleep. Sometimes the silence is our friend and other times not. Being able to flow with what is, as it is, is not always easy. I am so glad that you found something here when you needed too. It hasn’t been an easy time lately, I can relate and I wish more ease for us all. Love and hugs to you my friend. xxx

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