Inspire your senses : kitty sitting in Echandens

Echandens castle through the vines

I have been kitty sitting Timy over the last three weeks. I have loved each moment with him and being near the pretty expanse of Lake Geneva. While in the French section of Switzerland, I have been improving my (few) French words while exploring. I am simply inspired by:

sight : Echandens is a small village not far from Lake Geneva and allows easy access to the lake and surrounding areas. I have been walking around the lake and exploring here, here, here and here.

sound : while watering the little veggie garden one night, I heard the rustling of leaves under the hedge and suddenly a hedgehog popped out. Timy and I got close enough to make eye contact. What a special encounter. Later that same evening I saw a smaller one up close and personal under the front hedge. Since then I have been listening for rustling leaves in the hopes of snapping a photo. No luck yet!

taste : tomatoes, peppers, radishes, lettuce, zucchini, strawberries and a variety of herbs; all fresh and raw from the garden to my plate make my belly deliciously happy. Three of my favourites in this unusual heatwave has been a traditional Caprese salad, this one and that one.

smell : the little patisserie in the village has tons of fine smelling pastries and a variety of bread. It is very hard to resist and I simply had to go down a few times to make some change for parking coins! My favourite is their eclair au cafe. And let me not get started on the broad selection of local cheeses, yoghurts and ice creams. Yummy!

touch : ouch! The sting of a bee, twice. Bees 2 : Delicia 0 … I love walking barefoot and the bees love the little flowers in the grass. Did you know that honey heals a bee sting? I didn’t. My soulsister G. recommended it and it makes total sense as homoeopathy believes that like heals like. It soothes the pain immediately and even a day or two later when the sting returns. I love learning new natural healing tips. My feet healed with the aid of honey, lavender essential oil and an ice cube.

energy : I felt her deeply. I watched her pass across the sky, La Luna. The blood moon was the longest eclipse of this century. Magnificent beauty in red. Did you see her?

last words : these have to go to the yin yang kitty. Timy has been lovable, entertaining, playful and great company. He’s quite the boy. He ‘attacked’ my legs as I walked past in the garden one night. I jumped sky high as I hadn’t seen him hiding. After my initial fright, I can smile about it. As I write this, we are trying to keep cool and waiting for his family to arrive home.

What’s inspiring your senses today?

simply sharing, Delicia x