Something that inspires


I love books and a great quote inspires me. This morning I was reminded of one of my favourite authors Thich Nhat Hanh and this special quote of his. It is very close to my heart today. And it often inspires me through its very simplicity.

Smile, breathe and go slowly – Thich Nhat Hanh

And so I remind myself with each breath to smile.

Breathe. Smile. And breathe again.

Remember today to go slowly and appreciate the small things in life that bring you inspiration and joy.

What or who inspires you? Do you have a favourite quote? I would love to hear it in the comments section if you would like to share it and inspire us.

smiling and breathing, Delicia x

2 thoughts on “Something that inspires

  1. I also love books and great quotes are very inspiring. I love sharing them. The power of Thich Nhat Hanh is in its extreme simplicity. I have been breathing lots being with this quote. Thank you for sharing it Delicia.
    When I was replying to your last post Inspire your senses : awakeness, I was reminded of one my favourite quotes. I have been long with it recently, also thinking of you.

    Nothing ever goes away until it teaches us what we need to know – Pema Chödrön.

    Today I am grateful for life that does teach us so much if we allow the space. Annalisa.

    • I recall you sharing that quote with me before and how much it touched me. It still does and so I am very happy to see it here again today. It is perfect timing, as always. I am also grateful for all the lessons that come our way every single day. With lots of gratitude to you Annalisa x

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