Inspire your senses : visually


autumn leaves

fresh homegrown garden salad

rose dew


prayer flags

This week my senses were inspired by these simple pleasures. You can see more of my photos here.

last words : You are only as big as the dreams you dare to live (on the card in the photo with Max 🙂 ).

What were you inspired by?

simply sharing, Delicia

6 thoughts on “Inspire your senses : visually

  1. I love all your photos Delicia! Thank you!! The energy that comes through them is really special. This tells me you are in great space and makes me very happy.
    This week I was inspired by a delightful walk in nature with colours (so amazing yellow, green and red!), sounds and smells of autumn, ended with the gentle touch of the bark of grandma Tree reminding me to trust, and love. An authentic carpe diem with a dramatic change of plans to soak the unexpected beautiful sun and blue sky. Being more gentle with me I also cooked a yummy dinner with tasty seasonal pumpkin and chestnuts.

    But most of all I was inspired by energy. Energy has been really strong, yet so gentle that I completely surrendered to it, letting it guide me to go where I needed to go and to give space to the revolutionary power of love. I felt stirred by grace, filled by wonder and contentment. Your photos resonate so well with all of this! I feel you and I am breathing at the heart with you, spreading this energy to the world. Thank you for walking with me on this journey. Namaste.

    • Gratitude to you Annalisa for your sharing. I am so happy you had a good energy week and it sounds like you are receiving all you need to flow with your journey. Isn’t our universe amazing? 🙂 Namaste

  2. Hi mdssD

    The photo of the Alps reminded me of my trip to Yugoslavia about 30 years ago, I travelled via Zurich so got to see that picture from the plane as I flew over, breathtaking. I couldn’t take a photo of the scene back then, but now I have one, thanks!

    The other photos are also beautiful, love Max. I did have a giggle at the prayer flags, which might sound a bit strange, prayer flags and giggles probably don’t find themselves in the same sentence very often. I’ll explain, whenever I am hanging out undies on the washing line, it seems a little inappropriate, leaving your underwear where others may see them, so I think of them as prayer flags.


  3. I love all your pictures! They do inspire me, but the second one is the one that “talk” to me the most… I need to remind me to stop often and look for gratitude in the everyday life… That is why I love to come here. Thank you.

    • Thank you Steph for visiting me here and sharing your thoughts. It makes me really happy that my photos inspire and talk to you. Yes, like you, I love looking for the gratitude in everyday life. It reminds us of how blessed we are.

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