Simply breathe meditation

simply daisy


breathe in, breathe out

as you go about your day

moment by moment

feeling upon feeling

experience after experience

some easy, some challenging

sometimes happy, other times sad

maybe angry, frustrated or irritable

allow all these feelings to come and go

breathe in

take this quick moment to centre

breathe out

hand on your heart, hand on your tummy

now simply breathe

and let‘s meditate together

remember your moments of breath when YOU most need them

most often it is the first thing we forget, me too

we tighten, clench and hold on

yet it is quick and easy

you only need a minute or two

anytime. anywhere. anyhow.

short and sweet


breathe. breathe. breathe.

and continue on with your day


This one is purposefully short and sweet for ease. Cause anytime, anywhere, anyhow. Moments of breath. Simple.

Need something more? Try one of these meditations to drop into your heart space or find your grounding. Or, head over here for more free meditations. If you feel called, you can also purchase a meditation personalised just for you. From my soul to yours.

with love, light and deep gratitude, Delicia