August break day 28 to 31

august break day 28to31

Smell. Your fave thing. Sign. Smile.  

Spring is finally here and it even feels like it as the temperatures warm up. The end of August and the August Break (inspired by Susannah Conway) happened so quickly. It was such fun to share photographs and be inspired by others.

And so I end the August Break with my fave thing – life! New life and day old ducklings being shown off by mommy duck!

After 31 days of finding a photo to tell a story without words, I will really miss the challenge of the prompts and the fun in discovering a way to convey my message whilst travelling and without words.

I do have some exciting photos and stories from my travels to share over the next few weeks though. So watch this space. 😊 And of course, I still share photographs daily on Instagram.

What prompt/word/photo was your favourite and why? I would love to hear your thoughts, so leave a reply in the comments section below. Thank you!

simply sharing, Delicia x


If you wish to browse the photos again to decide which you liked best, you can find them here:
August Break day 24 to 27
August Break day 20 to 23
August Break day 17 to 19
August Break day 13 to 16
August Break day 9 to 12
August Break day 5 to 8
August Break day 1 to 4


4 thoughts on “August break day 28 to 31

  1. Hola Delica, I really loved following you through the August break prompts and photos. Hard to say what is my favourite… impossible! So I hope you will be fine with my two lists 😉

    About the prompts, I found particularly interesting and stimulating
    08. a selfie (challenging to capture)
    18. looking down (good reminder! sometimes what we look for is just between our feet..)
    23. sacred (very inspiring)
    26. YES (so energetic)
    29. your fave thing (a moment of reflection)

    Regarding the photos, there are several that struck me, particularly in relation to the prompts.
    My favourite is 13. home. I already left a comment on it in your August Break day 13 to 16 post. I am amazed by the story and the feelings it tells. And by looking at it, what ‘home’ really is for me suddenly became apparent. I love the colours, the combination of the feather, the backpack, your boots, and the words that make it.
    But there are many more photos that compete to be in the favourite group.
    29. your fave thing : LIFE. This year I have been touched so many times by baby ducks, I could only smile when I saw this photo. Yes, it is hard to choose something different from life as favourite, but I have to admit that your photo was kind of a revelation.
    26. YES is a powerful photo that spreads so much energy! It tells about the surprises, magic and simplicity of life, and how much you have been enjoying it being in that beautiful nature.
    31. smile is again linked to life, but this time with a bit more of a meditative touch, which is perfect end of the series and of your travel. I love your smile. Thank you for sharing your light through it! And yes, life is GOOD!! (like all my days of this year 😉 )
    23. sacred. I love the peace that comes through it. When I saw it I felt like I was just right there with you, sharing that sacred space. Mother Nature is magnificent.
    17. touch is also amazing. The combination of the rough bone and the smooth spiral nicely gives the feeling of touch, but goes far beyond it! and I find it particularly interesting if I think about the spiral of life…
    04. love reminds me what Grandma Tree tells me every time I visit her. Love is simple if we feel we are all connected, we are ONE.

    Love, light and gratitude Delicia, for sharing so much with so little words! but I am also looking forward to your new posts 😉

    • Hola Annalisa,

      My sincere gratitude for taking the time to share your thoughts with me and us on the prompts and photos. It is always interesting to see how someone else and their eyes view things. I can relate to all your have pointed out and want to add a little. Two of the most challenging prompts for me where 08. selfie and 13. home. Which for me is interesting in itself. I am extremely pleased with how they turned out. The 23. sacred photo was a truly now moment and unique find at the right time. Divine, isn’t it? 29. Life caused me to reflect long and hard and then some more as I had all sorts of answers to my fave thing but kept coming back to the fact that it is purely and utterly life and living it to the fullest as best as I can. The ducklings also appeared at the right moment as I was wondering how to capture life and what better way than with new life. The universe truly conspired to get that message across, firstly to me and then onwards. So yes, we are all connected and we are all one.

      Thank you for sharing that oneness and connecting.

      Love and light Delicia

  2. Hi mdssD

    I loved all the photos, but especially the ones with you in. Thanks D for sharing them all with me, and inviting me along on a virtual tour. You are indeed a good tour guide, even when one is not actually on the tour you get a taste, smell and feel of the place, so thanks again for taking me along.


    • Dear soulsister Gilli,

      Thank you for sharing your thoughts and being great company on my trip. I am so happy to be able to pass on the sights, taste, smells and feelings of the place and my experiences.

      Keep a watch, there is more coming 🙂

      Love and light

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