Inspire your senses : Sag full moon

 sag full moon cards

At this Full Moon in Sagittarius (and for the last week), I am simply inspired by:

sight : I took a happy trip back to Antarctica as I sort my photographs. I adore photography and take way too many photos, but who’s counting. One thing is for sure; I need a simpler sort, delete and store system over the next months.

sound : the evocative sounds of Nalini, and especially her beautiful Circle of Women. May all (women) know that they are loved…

taste : inspired by my soulsister M. and her colourful capture, I had to try this delicious Anna Jones tart. Just look at those yummy colours. I will definitely be making this one again.

smell : my go-to lavender essential oil, a drop on my temples to ease a headache, a drop on the skin when I catch myself on something hot or a sniff to help me calm down or sleep. Yes, this one travels light with me.

touch : the feel of the pen between my fingers, my hand brushing the paper of my journal. I am practising to spend time every day pouring my self into my journal. This is my third week so far. The part of my morning rituals that hasn’t quite stuck yet, but I love the secret messages that my soul leaves me. The joy is in the process and practice; and I hope I can make it stick.

energy : the power and beauty of the full moon in Sagittarius today. I spotted her rising last night. La Luna and her magic await us. I will sit with her tonight as I reflect on my intentions, release what no longer serves me and express my gratitude for all that is in my now.

last words : As the moon is full, I leave with you this inspiration from the wonderful astrologer Sarah Varcas. You can read her full May 2018 Energy Report over on her blog Awakenings.

29th May sees a Full Moon in Sagittarius illuminating the power of an optimistic attitude and positive outlook, not in denial of life’s challenges but as a way to meet them head on, breaking through them to a place of change. Something can shift with this Moon: we can climb out of a rut, change an old pattern, adopt a new behaviour.’   –  Sarah Varcas

Happy full moon, dear Soul. My cards today have a secret message for me. What will you reflect on at this full moon?

simply sharing, Delicia x