Soul musings : dear blog

breathe love

Dear Soulsister Blog,

It’s been a while. Yes, many, many months. I know I have been extremely quiet over here for so long.

I am sorry.

It’s not you; it’s me. No really. I’ve been through it all in my head. I’ve chatted it over with my heart and soul.

I miss you.

Breathe in love. Breathe out gratitude. And please forgive me.

Life these last two years has been, well just that, life. And not something I was ready to share quite yet. I was living life and being present, whilst finding my way around in it. This beautiful, messy thing we call life. There is no excuse I wish to offer. It simply is as it is.

The last two years have seen many changes that I often wished to share, sometimes didn’t want to share and so I simply did not share anything with you. Things like weddings, births and new studies; deaths, changes and divorces; a-ha moments, deep feelings and huge joy. I continued to explore healing, photography, travel and worked relentlessly on creating and maintaining my daily rituals. These rituals are where I find my soul connection and happy place, and include writing, walking, yoga and mediation. Even so, some days I do, some days I don’t. And that is ok. It is a practice, after all.

This journey of life fascinates me and I am ready to start sharing it again with you, dear Blog.

Thank you for sticking it out with me and for waiting around until I felt ready again. I appreciate it that you’re always there and waiting for me to find my way back to you. I have been lost, going around in circles some days, but I am so happy that I found you again. Thank you for allowing me to start on a shiny, fresh, new blank page; to start over, without a need to explain or give reasons. What a joy.

One of the questions that was holding me back from returning to you, was the one that is the most impossible to answer, I realised upon reflection. I was asking myself where I want to go with you, dear Soulsister Blog. Now you see, that’s the funny thing. Hilarious actually! As if I could ever determine where our time together would lead too. This is the unknown. The future. And all I know is the now. The present. This gift we all receive. You are an organic, living thing. You will evolve as you wish, when you want and go where you need too. This is the joy in it – creating something that lives and breathes with me. So all you need to be is an authentic reflection of my life and me.

I choose to share the bits that are meaningful to me and in the sharing I can only hope that they add value to someone else too. And you, dear Blog, are the way of sharing it forward.

Breathe in love. Breathe out gratitude. And let’s journey on together.

And so today, dear Blog, I start again with fresh energy and new eyes. I trust that what I lovingly share, will inspire and make someone smile. It only takes one smile. This is what makes me smile.

with love, Delicia

Ps. and to you, dear soulsister / brother out there, my gratitude for waiting so patiently for me and continuing to walk with me. I never underestimate the value and power of your support. Plus! I have started working on a secret little soul project. Although it is still a secret, I am excited to offer you a tiny taste of my playful fun. Give it a try and shine your light.