47 simple joys

dragonfly magic

Today I have been around the sun 47 times and to celebrate this beautiful life that is my journey, I would like to share my list (in no particular order) of simple joys in my everyday world. These are the things I am grateful for, that inspire me, that I learn from, that are challenging for me, that make me happy and that I strive towards.

  1. soul connections
  2. family family and soul family
  3. photography
  4. sunrises, sunsets and that special golden hour light
  5. meditations
  6. stillness
  7. laughter
  8. on my mat time
  9. yoga classes
  10. messages on my path
  11. mother nature and her power
  12. kitty love
  13. hikes
  14. travelling one step or a 1000 miles
  15. books, books and more books
  16. gratitude
  17. writing and journals
  18. this soul space here
  19. all my senses
  20. hands
  21. power of healing
  22. great friends
  23. watching my balcony garden grow
  24. learning
  25. choice and perspective
  26. smiles
  27. giving, receiving and sharing time
  28. my first cup of morning coffee
  29. tea rituals
  30. water splashes, sounds and healing
  31. balanced health
  32. fulfilling my basic needs
  33. creative juices
  34. making dreamcatchers
  35. music
  36. dancing
  37. dreaming
  38. a dragonfly on my foot!
  39. love
  40. sunflowers
  41. internet connectivity to keep in touch over distances
  42. divine energy
  43. understanding
  44. compassion
  45. peace
  46. life lessons
  47. and, of course, you!

I feel blessed.

Breathe. Smile. And be grateful.

I wrote this list in my journal while sitting at the local pond on Monday warming up in the sunshine after a really icy dip. What an interesting exercise to take note of how simple the things are that really matter in life. The dragonfly settled on my toes and allowed me to snap this photo. Divine confirmation of this now moment and that all is ok.

What simple joys are you grateful for today?

with love, Delicia x